Business bookkeeping tip
Hiring the wrong bookkeeper full time or part time for you bookkeeping services, payroll, accounts payable and accounts receivable can lead to business failure
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Let’s see what happened this week to make me wonder why I do this
I am not really sure why but this week I’ve been looking closely at bookkeeping Fees and rates. Searching various bookkeepers websites and finding some interesting information such as the following examples,
If your Business requires an onsite bookkeeper then you can expect to pay a little more than an offsite, by engaging the cheapest bookkeeper you could actually be costing yourself and your business more time and more money a number of reasons that a bookkeeper is charging lower fees such as inexperience or lack of industry knowledge. Will the bookkeeping be completed in the same time frame? A person who will charge $30 but be inexperienced may take 5 hours to do a 2 hour job and therefore your costs are higher
People and Bookkeeping for Business
A light hearted look behind the scenes showing we understand that there are real people working in business,we work in a way that allows us to understand your business, your needs and to assist in the development and growth of your business by providing regular information on your finances.
Choosing the Right Bookkeeper
Recently I wrote an informative article about the Difference between Tax Agents, Accounting a Good Accountant and the right accountant for you and all your business requirements. This can also apply to bookkeeping, bookkeepers and Registered BAS Agents. It explains how all successful and smart companies and businesses alike recognise the fact that Accounting and professional book keeping is not just a once a year event, whatever or however you scale it a business does not start out big! It starts small and diversifies, grows and expands to become bigger. Please continue reading more Accounting (bookkeeping) not just a once a year event.
Accounting services and business planning and development solutions offered, implemented, and executed in the most practical ways. APR Accountants understands the true meaning of owning, running and the operations concerning the day to day activities of small to medium businesses. We recognise the fact that behind the scenes there are real people with real concerns. The full range of accountancy services that we offer stems from practical business minded accounting and all tailored to suit your individual needs